Florida-style winter wonderland

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last night it was supposed to drop into the 20s for anywhere between eight and twelve hours. Needless to say, I didn't bother to cover my plants. If you've been reading this blog you know I ascribe to the "tough love" gardening philosophy. Plus I'd gotten a bit complacent -- the previous freezes that were forecast hadn't hurt anything in the yard. Not so this time. Here's the body count:

Crinum in front yard

Freeze-damaged crinum

Backyard bed

Freeze-damaged plants

This hibiscus doesn't look too bad in the photo, but it has that distinct droopy look in person. It was definitely zapped.

Freeze-damaged hibiscus

I meant to pull in my white bird of paradise but forgot. Thankfully it looks unharmed.

Unharmed bird

And finally, here are some shots of the orchard that I drive by every day on my way to the office. Isn't it magical? This is the first time I've seen them ice it down. I guess they were worried about the blooms and new growth that had started to appear on the peach and plum trees. The icicles remind me of a winter wonderland! (Click on the photos to see them bigger.)

Icy orchard on UF campus

Icy orchard on UF campus

Icy orchard on UF campus


Unknown said...

Well I'm not too far from you, but I must say I have been covering plants on and off, each time I cover a little less. This cold snap we are having has def. taken out some plants. No worries they will be back.

Unknown said...

Hello Kim,

I like your blog and added you in my garden blog resources http://www.muriellesgarden.com/resources. Can you also add me in your gardening blogs? I will appreciate it.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Susan said...

Brrrrr, just looking at all that ice gives me the shivers. Our crinum lily and many other tropicals are looking very sad these days.