They're gone

Monday, October 27, 2008

Forgive the lack of photo on this post, but there's a good reason. Remember those io moth caterpillars that I said were disappearing?. Indeed, they're gone (hence the lack of photo). They didn't seem large enough to be ready to pupate, but who knows. Or maybe one of those huge crows that haunts our office gobbled them up. Who knows. I guess that's the way nature works.


Unknown said...

Are you kidding me? I love your blog and all of the items tucked her and there at Nancyland! The gates at your place and hers inventive!! I was just telling me husband the other day I want a rod iron or some kind of steel headboard for trailing plants.

Kim Taylor Kruse said...

Hi Darla-- Thanks for the kind words! Check your local thriftstores or garage sales for an inexpensive headboard to use as a trellis. I got a child sized one for a few dollars. It's not currently in use, otherwise I'd share pictures.